Sunday, November 07, 2004

I Should Be Doing Something Else

So it's Saturday night and I'm spending it in the warm glow of my computer, thinking about all the organizing and bill-paying and grad-school-application-filling-out I had planned on doing today. Truth is, I can waste time better than anyone else I know.

Some weekdays, I don't go to work until one, and I get up at nine, have coffee, shower, putz around on the internet, and before I know it, I'm rushing around trying to find something to wear and running ten minutes late. Then I burst into work breathing heavily from my sprint from the parking garage, and I think about how most everybody else in the office has been there since 8 AM and would possibly drown kittens for the chance to have just one morning free.

If I were late to work because I got wrapped up in a good book or because I was doing research on how to finance my post-graduate education, I could feel good about my existence. Somehow, though, saying at the end of the day, "Well, I didn't do this, this, or this, but I certainly did check my email 756 times and drink two very tasty cups of coffee. And, ah yes, I bathed." does not instill me with confidence in my ability to get things done.

Maybe I'm just extra hard on myself, but I have a feeling I'm pretty goodgoddamn skilled at being unproductive.

Sometimes I waste time on fantastic things, like fiddling on the guitar and pretending that I'm a folk-star. But I usually decide to pick up the pick when I'm putting off something more important.

Eh. Oh well. Pastimes are important, right? Even when they're overshadowing something that deserves more prominence?

So yes, tonight I should be doing any number of other things. But instead, I have created a blog, the internet-sanctioned box of self-absorption.

Maybe tomorrow I will get something done...


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